Knauf Moisture-Resistant Gypsum Boards:
Knauf moisture-resistant gypsum boards are high-performance, mold-resistant gypsum boards used for drywall construction in humid areas.
Product Dimensions:
- Length: 2.4 - 3 meters
- Width: 1.2 meters
- Thickness: 6.5 - 9.5 - 12.5 - 15 mm
- Weight: 12.5 mm approximately 7.5 kg/m² / 15 mm approximately 12.2 kg/m²
- Edge Detail: Tapered edge
- Color: Green-colored paper liners
Product Specifications:
- Lightweight composition to prevent accidents.
- Good sound insulation for privacy.
- Unlimited design options for any space.
- Made from environmentally friendly materials.
- Quick, easy, and dry application.
- Materials allow for air exchange and balance between room climate and humidity.
- Water-repellent boards treated against moisture absorption.
Product Uses:
- Drywall construction in humid areas like interiors exposed to moisture.
- Partition walls clad with ceramic tiles.
- Wall linings or plaster layers in kitchens and bathrooms.
- Partition walls or ceilings for kitchens and bathrooms.